Technological competition between the United States and China is, as we understand it, the most important field of competition for hegemonic power. This struggle has often been portrayed as a race between two different political regimes. Another aspect is that in this contest, although it plays out on many levels and in several places, Europe is wealthy and inherently weak as a political power, making it the ideal battleground for this final contest. For both the United States and China, Europe is a major business and investment partner, and therefore the European continent, especially the European Union (EU), is an idealistic spot for this conflict since the reward for the winner here is the highest on the globe.

Date: June 5-6 (Monday - Thuesday), 2023


June 5: Mathias Corvinus Collegium – 3-7 Tas vezér utca, Budapest 1113

June 6: Scruton V.P. – 12 Veres Pálné utca, Budapest 1053

June 5, Monday

Venue: Mathias Corvinus Collegium – 3-7 Tas vezér utca, Budapest 1113

8.30-8.45 a.m. Opening Speeches

  • Mr. Péter Lánczi (Vice Director General, MCC)
  • Dr. Csaba Moldicz (Head of the School of International Relations, MCC)

8.45-9.15 a.m. Opening Keynote Speech

  • Mr. János Csák (Minister of Culture and Innovation)

9.15-9.45 a.m. Keynote Speech

  • Mr. David Goldman (Deputy Editor, Asia Times)
    The Middle Kingdom, the Third World and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

9.45-10.45 a.m. Technological Competition through American, Chinese, and Hungarian Viewpoints

  • Mr. David Goldman (Deputy Editor, Asia Times)
  • Prof. Dr. Chun DING (Jean Monnet Chair, Professor in Economics, Director, Centre for European Studies, Fudan University)
  • Dr. Tamás Novák (Diplomat for Science and Innovation, Consulate General of Hungary, New York)
  • Prof. Evi Fitriani (Professor, International Relations Department, Universitas Indonesia)
  • Moderator: Mr. Julius Krein (Editor, American Affairs)

10.45-11.00 a.m. Coffee Break

11.00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Social and Diplomatic Aspects of Technological Competition

  • Dr. David Picus (Associate Professor, American University in Vietnam)
  • Mrs. Rotem Dolev (Partner at Deloitte and Tech Sector Leader)
  • Dr. Eric Hendriks-Kim (Research Fellow, Danube Institute)
  • Dr. Rajmund Kiss (Head of the Centre for Diplomacy, MCC)
  • Moderator: Ms. Noemi Besedes (Senior International Relations Coordinator, International Directorate, MCC)

12.00-1.15 p.m. Lunch Break

1.15-1.45 p.m. Keynote Speech

  • Prof. Evi Fitriani (Professor, International Relations Department, Universitas Indonesia)
    Technological Competition between China and the United States: Implications for Indonesia

1.45–2.45 p.m. Geopolitics of Technological Competition

  • Prof. Dr. Eyal Zisser (Vice Rector, The Yona and Dina Ettinger Chair in Contemporary History of the Middle East, Tel Aviv University)
  • Dr. Gladden Pappin (President, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs)
  • Dr. Mikhail Karpov (Professor, School of Asian Studies, Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
  • Dr. Anastas Vangeli (Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana)
  • Moderator: Dr. Csaba Moldicz (Head of the School of International Relations, MCC)

2.45-3.15 p.m. Coffee Break

3.15-4.15 p.m. America and China's Global Technological Competition

  • Mr. Dan Catarivas (President, Federation of Bi-national Chambers of Commerce in Israel; Israeli coordinator, India-Israel CEO Forum)
  • Prof. Dr. László Csicsmann (Professor, Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics, Szechenyi University)
  • Prof. Dr. Zhidas Daskalovski (Professor, Faculty of Security Studies, University of Kliment Ohridski)
  • Moderator: Mr. Viktor Eszterhai (Research Director, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs)

4.15-5.15 p.m. AI, Electronic Vehicles and Batteries

  • Prof. Dr. Ács Zoltán (Professor Emeritus, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, Co-editor and Founder, Small Business Economics, Founder, GEDI)
  • Dr. Song Lilei (Professor, Deputy Director of Center for European Studies, School of Political Science & International Relations, Tongji University)
  • Mr. Eszterhai Viktor (Research Director, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs)
  • Dr. Csaba Moldicz (Head of the School of International Relations, MCC)
  • Moderator: Dr. Mónika Mercz (PhD Candidate, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church; MCC, Public Law Center, Law School)

June 6, Tuesday

Venue: Scruton V.P. – 12 Veres Pálné utca, Budapest 1053

11.30-12.00 p.m. Keynote Speech

  • Dr. Tamás Novák (Diplomat of Science and Innovation, Consulate General of Hungary, New York)
    The Eagle and the Dragon, powered by AI - How the U.S. research and innovation enterprise is reinventing itself?

12.00-1.00 p.m. „Chip Wars”

  • Szilárd Boros (Senior Analyst, Hungarian Export Promotion Agency)
  • Dr. Mónika Mercz (PhD Candidate, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church; MCC, Public Law Center, Law School)
  • Teszáry Miklós (PhD Candidate, Eötvös Loránd University, MCC Center for Geopolitics)
  • Gábor Szentesi (PhD Candidate, University of Pannonia)
  • Moderator: Dr. Patrik Szeghő (Postdoctoral Researcher, MCC Center for Geopolitics)

1.00-2.00 p.m. Lunch



  • Ms. Noemi Besedes (International Directorate, MCC): +36 30 0187288
  • Mr. Adam Tenczer (Researcher at the School of International Relations, MCC): +36 301381160
  • Dr. Csaba Moldicz (Head of the School of International Relations, MCC): +36 30 6197028